2nd to 4th June 2023
Second visit of the year to the Kendal CAMC site which is firmly established as one of our favourites.
A bit of traffic on the M6 meant we didn't arrive until almost 1.30. We knew the site would be pretty full and we weren't hopeful of getting a good pitch but we needn't have worried. The key to pitch 22 was hanging on the wall in reception when we got there and we headed straight for it. Not quite as good as pitch 21 but pretty good compared to almost any other pitch on the site. The warden as he did his rounds complimented us on our choice of pitch!
An excellent start to the trip which didn't last long as we started to unpack and realised we had left the cool box at home. Lots of chilled food gone to waste!
A quick trip to Booths in Kendal and £50 later all was ok again. That did include some beers and other treats. We didn't let it ruin the getting a good pitch vibes.
A bit later than intended we set off to the Strickland Arms and had a couple of drinks sitting outside, mainly in the shade due to the very hot weather.
Then it was back to the site for a barbecue.
Too hot for serious walking today, so we walked from the site to the Helm, a hill just outside Kendal.
About four miles and not too strenuous on what was a very hot day. We even encountered some alpacas and wild ponies!
The end of the walk was Oxenholme station. Sadly, we missed a steam locomotive going past by minutes. No regular trains today due to the ongoing strike. No problem, a quick drink in the Station Inn then a bus into Kendal spending the rest of the afternoon in various pubs and cafes. One cafe was selling second hand jigsaw puzzles and J was thrilled to bits with a double one featuring caravans, hopefully no missing pieces!
We got a bus back to the site and had cous cous, salmon and salad sitting outside the caravan, taking advantage of the nice weather and wondering how much longer it will last. We were very good with the sun tan lotion applications this trip, no burnt faces this time!
No probems getting home. The man at our storage site has noticed that we only do short trips, he is probably sick of getting the caravan out and putting it away all of the time. We just drop it off at the gate and leave quickly...
Coming soon...
Hopefully a trip to Ingleton in a couple of weeks.
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