18 Oct 2022

Bay View, Morecambe...again

14th to 16th October 2022

An early return to Bay View, to do all the things we would have done last time if J hadn't tripped and twisted her ankle...and a bit of a bonus in the Lancaster Music Festival.


This site is very easy to get to from our storage site and we managed to arrive dead on 1pm.  The friendly warden showed us to our pitch and stood by the car as D reversed the caravan onto the pitch, telling him when and which way to turn the steering wheel.  No need for the motor mover this week.

We got a bus into Lancaster and watched a few bands in a few pubs.  We hadn't known about the festival in advance so we had no plan, but a couple of the bands were ok.  All of the pubs were packed and we ended up right next to the performers in one place...a bit too close for comfort.  It was good, though, we will probably return next year but do a bit of panning first.  The Stonewell Tap looks like a fabulous place, definitley worth a visit when it is a bit quieter.

We'd pre booked dinner in a tapas restaurant, so at least we had somewhere to eat.

No problem getting a bus back to the site.


We awoke to the sound of heavy rain but it soon stopped and despite a threat of heavy showers it didn't rain again until the evening.

The plan two weeks ago had been to walk from the site into Morecambe, which is what we did today.

A day of sea views and statues.

We had a tray of chips in Morecambe, then got a bus back to a micropub called The Crossing that we had passed on our way in.  Good selection of beers but full of locals, so we felt a bit out of place.  From there we got another bus to Carnforth and had a look around the heritage centre, then another drink in the pub on the platform.  Then another bus back to the site.

We thought about going back into Lancaster but the weather was worsening and we were a bit tired so instead we had dinner in the onsite restaurant and then retreated to the caravan.

A pretty good sunset from the site.


We drained all the water out of the caravan again, just in case, but forgot to take some clothes home so we will definitley have to go on another trip before the year is out.

Coming soon...

A few things to do at home in the coming weeks so our next trip will probably be mid November, weather permitting, with Coniston first choice location.

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